Friday, March 31, 2023

Wawa chocolate frosted doughnut

So soft, the perfect texture. Like biting into a yeasty cloud. The chocolate icing was surprisingly rich. And of course, sprinkles are always welcome.

[unrelated aside: toasted marshmallow Jelly Bellys (Bellies?) taste like Oreo-Os, which I miss. They're total garbage, but I miss them.]

Night: Reese's Klondike bar; creamy and flavorful, but the peanut butter is lacking. There are some veins of peanut butter, but not nearly a satisfying amount. The vanilla ice cream has a light sienna hue, which could either be because of a small amount of peanut butter mixed homogeneously throughout or an artificial coloring agent (annatto?) intended to suggest the presence of peanut butter. Judging from the miserable faintness of peanut butter flavor, I'm hunching towards the latter.

Maybe it's in the chocolate?


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